5xElite, 4xNice, DLVP Champion, 2xChampion 2010, Champion Horse of WLK, Champion in BlackStone, Champion Appearance Horse of Spring
Champion Horse in DLVP, Most Beautiful Arabian Foal, MLK 2nd, Gyönyörű Arab Telivér Ló, Nagyon Szép Pej Ló, One Of The Best 2Horse, Really Good Summer Appearance Horses of WLK, Appearance Horse of the Summer, DDC Appearance Stallion, Champion II. Domino ABC Appearance Horse, Champion ''A'' Horse, 3rd Arabian Horse in Arabians vs. Thoroughbreds, Better Arabian than Thoroughbred, 3rd in DLVP, Champion Appearance Horse in DLVP, Champion Horse in Sweet 16 Snow Cup, 1st Arabian Horse in DLVP, 1st in Domino Breed's Appearance, Very Nice New Year's Horse, Beautiful Arabian Horse in DLVP, 2nd in DLVP Fajtaszemle, Gorgeous Appearance Horse of PonyIsland, 2nd Placed Horse of Drink's Appearance, The Best Appearance Horse in MLK, Good Appearance Horse, 3rd Placed of Special ABC Competition, Beautiful Bay Coloured Appearance Horse, 2nd in CDL, 1st in Appearance, Nice Horse in Bay in M'sM, Good, Beautiful Horse in Grass, 2nd on In the Green Grass Appearance, VERY NICE, Very Nice Horse in 'Synline Appearance about all horses in GP', Better Horse in Sydney, WINNER, Szavazós Verseny Győztese a Salyza P. S.-ben, Absolute Winner in Portrait Appearance, Best Portrait Horse, NICE, Nouvelle Lune Champion, 2nd of Colored Appearance, Best, Best in WLE, 1st in Appearance for David Garret, 1st in He's a Pirate Category, Better, Btter in WLE, 2nd in Appearance for David Garret, 2nd in He's a Pirate Category, Nice Horse in Pitbull in M'sM, EXCELLENT,2nd placed on One Picture is Enough in Salyza P. S.,